Welcome to the New Year!

This is my first post EVER!


About 6 six days ago we started the New Year and like the general population I made a list of things I want to accomplish this year. As I was putting together my goals for this year, I realized I’m currently 29 and in 7 months and 16 days I’m turning 30.

Yes! (THE BIG 3-0)

Well that got me thinking “Have I accomplished / taken advantage of my 20s?” I wasn’t quite sure. So I started looking/researching online and came across many lists from buzzfeed, cosmo, etc about things to do before you turn 30. I decided to challenge myself and complete a list of 30 things before I turn 30 based off the following list. ( see link below) https://gentwenty.com/bucket-list-30-things-to-do-before-you-turn-30/

It is a quite ambitious and wide ranged list but this is one of the many goals I set for myself this year and I intend to complete the list either by my birthday or the End of the Year.

This list will be slightly tweaked. (see my next post)